The Covert Copy Traffic Plugin Review

The Daily Mail

Caution: You are Losing 70% Of Your Potential Blog Traffic Today... But With This Game Shifting WordPress Plugin You Can Obtain Everything Back In Greater Than 7 Seconds!

Press Play On Your Video Below To See The Way The Brand New Covert Copy Traffic Plugin Leaves Everything Else In The Dust As It Sucks In Social Sharing Traffic
On Auto Pilot!

Insane Amounts Of Backlinks & Traffic For
Your Blog Are Only One Click Away From You!

This is just a time limited special deal. Sign up today and save over 75 percent over the Covert Copy Traffic Plugin. This offer may be closed down at any moment and the price will rise soon!

Covert Copy Traffic
We will soon be selling the Covert Duplicate Traffic plug in for $67 or more. But you will
Save more than 75% as soon as your order from this unique early-bird page now!

Read On To Find the Easy Trick That Will Double Your Social Traffic In 7 Minutes Or Less!

From: Soren Jordansen & John Merrick Encourages The IM Wealth Builders
Subject: The Best Way To Double Your Own Social Traffic In 7 Seconds Or Less

Social sharing is quickly becoming among the very significant facets when Google and other search engines consider how high your blog should rank.

To put it simply... The longer people sharing your articles the more important you visit Google.

More Details:

And every time somebody shares you of your blog posts you obtain a backlink right?

That part is in fact wrong!

And I will explain to you in a bit - but we have to talk just a little bit about face book.

Most folks think that face book is the largest social sharing site on the planet - and of course it really is...

But at the exact same time face book only accounts for 25 percent of all Social sharing on the internet!

So what's the biggest approach to societal sharing?

The answer amazed me initially - but after thinking about it made sense.

There are approximately 1 billion people on earth with a Facebook account - but what's the single tool that every internet user has?

The answer is of course... an email account - and that's why:

Email Is Still #1 - Totally Dominating Social publishing!

And like I said, when you consider this, this makes sense...

Before there is a face book, Pinterest, Twitter or every additional social sharing site like this - people will share site articles by simply sending to each other.

Usually people want forward those emails to friends and it is viral marketing was originally born.

And even with the arrival of sites like Facebook - mail stays the # one way people share content online.

Just think about this for a second...

Just look at this screenshot...

This was one simple effort that had the alternative to share this content via Twitter, Facebook or email. Because you can view email was that the overwhelming winner.

And also this isn't a isolated case - In fact...

Upto 70% Of All Social Sharing Is Completed
Via Email Addresses Only 25% On Face-book

Yep that's right!

Generally the mighty face book only uses up 25 percent of most sharing.

And the rest of the societal sharing web sites combined don't come near that!

That leaves email having a enormous chunk - as much as 70 percent of most societal sharing.

Today you may be thinking that is simply not a challenge...

After all those social sharing buttons onto your own blog add an "Email this to a friend" link do not they?

I thought that the very same - but I discovered that...

You're able to create all of the fancy social sharing buttons, popups, floaters and gimmicks that you need...

It does not matter at all because...

For Every Single Visitor Who Uses Your Social Sharing Buttons
90 Could Probably Have Shared Your Articles By Copy & Pasting!

That's right...

Not only is email the preferred means of sharing - People take action by cutting and pasting your content!

And of course when they perform you have no benefit at all.

You get no backlinks - no traffic - nothing!

Recent stats have proven that...

Upto 6 percent Of All Visits To Your Site Results In
An Copy & Paste Share You Receive Zero Credit For!

Saying I thought this too...

That's an awful large amount of traffic you are missing out on!

So that like I said - old customs die hard...

Now, the invention of societal sharing web sites like Facebook, people are still copy and pasting if they share there too!

They are copy and pasting to talk about your blog articles online forums, on Facebook, on Twitter, to their own blogs and ofcourse via email.

You've placed blood, sweat and tears into creating that content - or've paid through the nose for plugins or writers to generate the content for you personally.

The least you would expect is really a connection with a opportunity for some referral traffic when people share your content.

But unfortunately you receive not one of that

Until now that's...

Because we set out to create a remedy to this issue and exactly what we came up with was a slight shift to the old adage...

If You Can't Beat Them Join Them...

Initially I got angry learning which we were pasting my articles, sharing it without giving me credit and links.

We thought about creating a plug in which will prevent this.

People trying to share my articles is obviously a fantastic thing!

Of course, if up to 70% of them prefer to do it via copy and pasting... and I really don't get credit for it - then that is my fault... maybe not them sneaking!

You'd desire those 70% to continue doing what they have been doing - you just want to make certain they include your link.

We desired to create a very simple plug in which would automatically detect if people copy something out of the blog...

So if they paste the copied content into email, Facebook or anything - the plugin should automatically add a link back into you

- and therefore Covert Copy Traffic was born.


Let's Have a Look At The Way The Covert Copy Traffic

Firstly... If you've not done so already... I strongly suggest that you see the video previously, where I give a completely walk through presentation of how this effective plug in works.

But if you prefer to see...

Covert Copy Traffic is now a brilliant simple to use and install (1 click install) WordPress plugin. Meaning it's going to work on almost any laptop or computer, all that you need in order to use it, is still that a self hosted WordPress blog.

In reality the moment you have installed and activated the plugin it will be working on your blog - without you needing to do anything else!

The 7 seconds mentioned in the headline wasn't a cheap gimmick - we do mean that very literally!

So lets look at an example of exactly what this powerful plugin does...

Here's a screen shot of my blogs - not ice that the significant sharing buttons on the market!

As we today know around 70% of the individuals of the folks wanting to discuss that articles will ignore those buttons - and rather mark and reproduce the text just like I did here:

Then they would paste the copied text into email or some other origin - and I would get nothing in this!

But because I've the Covert Copy Traffic plug installed - a few clever "magic" happens behind the scenes...

So if they go to glue the content in their email or face book - that happens...

Notice how the Covert Copy Traffic plug in automatically inserted my text and the URL to this post the material has been duplicated from!

Now whenever people copy and paste my articles to face book, Twitter, forums or other places that I automatically gain a backlink along with more traffic.

And much more importantly - since we know email could be your number 1 sharing procedure...

When Folks email this to a friend - It may Find forwardes, possibly going viral

My link and text will likely be in all those emails - simply because I required the 7 minutes to set up this game changing plug in!

Which is what the plug in does automatically, directly out of the box without the need to modify any settings!

But ofcourse we gave you options to completely customize your text and links - as you see from the screen shot below...

You are able to...

* Change the text appearing before your connection. You've got unlimited distance here - and you will also leave it blank if you just need to demonstrate a hyperlink.

* You get full control over that which link you want included when folks copy and paste from your site.

* You can connect to the respective web sites the content has been copied from (great for profound links and targeted prospects).

You can choose to link your blog's home page (great if you are trying to rank front page or find traffic there).

* You can link to some website - that may for example be an affiliate link (a great way to benefit from societal sharing).

You may also decide never to use any links, if you only want the writing to appear.

* You pick if you would like your attribution (link and text) to reveal or below the copy-pasted content.

* and lastly it is possible to specify a minimum range of copied words demanded before the plugin strikes your magical (if you put it to zero it will kick if they copy as much as a blank space in the website!)

This was the "beneath the hood" look at the way the plugin works and how easy it is to use.

And despite the fact that this really is therefore simple to install and then use a 5 year old could get it done...

This Plan Works Like Crazy And This Is Why...
We realize that the majority of men and women talk about content via email, and almost all of these do so by copy and pasting.

By using this plug in, you are not hoping to get folks to change their customs.

You'd be quite content to relax and allow them to carry on doing exactly what they have always done...

Because now you reap the benefits whenever some one copies and shares your content!

And the Covert Copy Traffic plugin doesn't interfere with your other societal marketing strategies in any way.

It simply comes in and mops up all the traffic and links you were passing up before.

Here is an example for you using the exact written text out of the screenshots above...

If people click on the talk button on such site and choose face-book - it'd post there as ordinary and all would be peachy.

But again - we now know that a massive chunk of them is going to copy and paste your content to face book and normally this will leave you with nothing.

Now with Covert Copy Traffic this happens when they glue your content into face-book...

Since you may see, the connection to a site is automatically contained here too!

Using technology such as that really is indeed powerful in generating traffic and links which could otherwise have been lost...

That major firms like:

* National Geographic
* The New York Post
* Sunlight
* And The Daily Mail

All use this strategy on their own sites!

And we can definitely see why - because we've discovered that...

Blogs With Covert Copy Traffic Installed Get More Social Shares, More Backlinks & More Traffic Than Any Blogs Using ANY Additional Social Sharing Strategies!

It stands to reason?

If up to 70 percent of your existing shares are achieved by copy-pasting...

You get Zero, Zilch, Nada from those shares.

Therefore only by simply activating this plugin your own stats will increase immediately!

We did and it worked like a dream.

Bottom line...

If your blog gets just a trickle of traffic - that this plugin increases your numbers... period!

Now You May Be Forgiven For Believing That A Plugin
This Powerful Would Cost You An Arm & A Leg!
The big companies I said earlier in the day are certainly paying way more than and arm and a leg for its tech they have been using to get precisely the same thing Covert Duplicate Traffic does.

But here is the kicker...

Even though it's super expensive - that the material they use does not even provide you half of the features We've included in our Plug in

And here's the really good news... we're not going to charge you close to what they are requesting for their inferior technology, because...

For A Limited Time Only You Can Get Your Hands On The Brand New Covert Copy Traffic Plugin At The Special Low Earlybird Price!

Obviously folks are willing to pay huge cash for an easy to employ technology that has been proven to improve your positions, social sharingtraffic and visitors

And we fully want to release this at a much higher price in the future - $6 7 or longer!

But right now, and out of this special page simply... You might get the hands over the Covert Duplicate Traffic for a fraction of that!

When you purchase now, you will be "grandfathered" in and get free upgrades for life

For the upcoming few folks who order we'll even incorporate...

If your dictate the Covert Copy Traffic plug in from this special page these days, we'll also contain multi-site and site flipping license at no excess cost!

This means you could...

Use Covert Copy Traffic as many of your personal blogs as you like - existing and future ones!

You may even use it on blogs you build for clients or on blogs that you flip for profit!

However, like I said this ancient bird special is very time limited.

The Purchase Price will go up

And you'll definitely not find multi-level and website reversing permit comprised as of this low a price, ever again!

Therefore do it today and...

Click On The Button Below To Secure Your Copy Of Your Covert Copy Traffic Plug in Before The Price Goes Up!

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